Hosting a fundraiser is a great way for someone to raise money for an organization that they care about. When you are looking to host any type of fundraiser, finding a theme that people will enjoy is very important. One great option is to host a bowling fundraiser, which is a sport and activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. There are various tips for a successful bowling fundraiser which you can follow to help make your fundraiser memorable and allow you to raise as much money as possible.
Get a Headcount
Whenever you are going to run any type of fundraiser, it is important that you have a proper headcount. This is particularly true if you are going to host a bowling fundraiser, as you will want to ensure all bowlers will have a chance to play. Once you have an appropriate headcount, you should start to contact local bowling alleys to see if they can accommodate your group.
Come Up With Contests and Other Activities
While it can be fun for anyone to bowl, you can make the event even more exciting if you have contests and other activities to enjoy along the way. You can have a variety of bowling-related contests, including best score and most strikes during a round. Other options for entertainment can include having live music, hosting other games, such as billiards or darts, and other activities that will keep people engaged.
Market the Event
As you are preparing for your bowling fundraiser, it is important to market the event. When you want to raise money for a good cause, getting information out to the public will always help with this process. You should contact local newspapers, online periodicals and use social media to get out information about the event. This should include giving information on how to purchase tickets and how people can contribute to the cause.
Find Ways to Raise Money
If you are going to run a bowling fundraiser, there are various ways that you can raise money. One of the most simple ways is to sell tickets to the event. However, you could also ask participants to raise money on their own, host a paddle raise and have a silent auction. All of these can help to add to the total amount that you are able to raise and donate to any organization or charity that you want.
As you are looking to raise funds for a good cause, hosting a bowling event is a great option. When you are planning any type of fundraiser, you will find there is a lot of work that goes into it. For those that are wondering what is needed to host a bowling fundraiser, following these tips can help the event go well.
Categorised in: Bowling