Do you plan to participate in bowling in Hampton, VA? If you are interested in league play, you’ll quickly discover that you must become familiar with a few bowling terms. These phrases, acronyms and sport-specific words describe the ins and outs of bowling play and scoring.

POA is one of these terms. Following is an overview of what this means as well as some related terminology and rules to help you learn about the great sport of bowling:

  • POA: This term stands for “pins over average.” If POA is used for scoring, players are trying to beat their average. The individual bowler or team that beats their average by the most is declared the winner. It is also referred to as 100 percent handicapping.
  • Team vs. team: In this style of bowling competition, two teams compete on the same pair of lanes. The team that has the highest points each game earns points for their victories.
  • Team vs. field: For this league competition, each team plays the other teams one time each. The winner receives points for each victory.
  • Match play: Teams competing in match play pair each player on the team with a player from the other team whom they are trying to beat. The teams are awarded points for each player who beats their “matched” player. The team with the highest total scores may receive bonus points as well.
  • Scratch bowling: This style of play is a game of bowling that is scored without handicaps. A scratch score is a basic game total.
  • Handicap: This is used to equalize teams or individuals so they compete at the same level regardless of skill. A team’s handicap is usually calculated by adding all of the player averages, then subtracting that total from 1,000.
  • Free armswing: This is an important part of successful bowling. It is also referred to as a pendulum swing. It is the proper form for your arm as you take your shot. Think of your arm as the pendulum of a clock—it swings with a weight at the end and works with gravity to propel the ball.
  • Ball selection: Many bowlers aren’t sure which ball is best for them. Choosing a ball of the wrong weight will greatly influence your game. A good rule of thumb is to select a ball that weighs one tenth of your body weight. For hole sizes, look for a ball that allows your thumb to go all the way into the ball. Your fingers and thumb should touch the sides of the holes without feeling tight.

Learn More About Bowling in Hampton, VA

Do you have more questions about bowling in Hampton, VA? There’s no better source than your local bowling center. At Sparetimes, we’ve been offering top bowling experiences since 1960. Our facility features a full-service snack bar and lounge including pool tables and a game room. Locally owned and operated, we are dedicated to providing a quality facility for bowlers of all skill levels. Don’t hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions or to schedule your next outing.

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