It’s hard to believe, but summer is just around the corner! Soon enough, the warm weather will be here, and your kids will be looking for something to do just about every day of the week. Rather than settling for a whole lot of screen time, you should consider going bowling this summer!
There are a lot of options for bowling in the summer. You can play individual games, you can sign your kids up for summer bowling camps or you can participate in summer bowling leagues in Hampton, VA. Regardless of the option you choose, here are just a few reasons why bowling makes for a great summer activity:
- It gets everyone involved: This is an especially important benefit for kids, who often get frustrated being left on the sidelines while their friends play during various sports and activities. Bowling offers an opportunity for everyone who wants to participate—all they need to do is wait their turn. They’re not sitting out for extended periods of time, and they’re not feeling as though they aren’t being included in the activity.
- It’s not overly strenuous: Bowling is relatively easy on the body, unlike many sports that can require quite a bit of recovery time during games and can come with a heightened risk of injury. This makes it an ideal family activity, for everyone from very young children up through elderly adults. Everyone is able to get a little exercise and enjoy themselves without having to worry about injury.
- Give kids something new: During the summer, kids have a whole lot more time on their hands, which makes it a great opportunity to introduce a new activity or game for them to enjoy. Since they don’t have school or homework to worry about, they’re able to put more energy into learning the new activity and improve at it, developing some skills they can carry with them and hopefully finding something new that they enjoy doing.
- Physical activity is good for kids: Bowling may not be quite as physically intense as, say, soccer or gymnastics or football, but it still definitely provides some physical activity and exercise, which is important for kids of all ages. This sort of activity not only keeps kids healthy, but can also boost brain activity while kids are out of school. Plus, there are other learning opportunities through the course of the game, and built-in ways to practice some simple math.
- It’s a great social activity: Bowling is a highly social game. You can easily carry on conversations while bowling, and if you get involved in camps or leagues, it’s a great way to meet some new people and build lasting friendships.
- Beat the heat: It’s going to get hot over the summer. Bowling is a great activity you can enjoy in the comfort of air conditioning, which is especially beneficial if you don’t have air conditioning in your home. You can get a little physical activity without having to worry about getting heat stroke on some of summer’s hottest days!
For more information about why you should get involved in summer bowling leagues in Hampton, VA this season, contact Sparetimes today.
Categorised in: Bowling Leagues