In just about any town that has bowling centers, you’ll be able to find plenty of options as far as bowling leagues are concerned. You can join up, have fun and improve your game.

But what if you want to start your own league? Maybe there isn’t a league that fits your needs and your schedule. Maybe you simply want to get a big group of your friends and fellow bowling enthusiasts together under the same league umbrella. Whatever your reason, it’s important to know the steps you’ll have to go through to get your league started before you embark on the process.

Here are a few tips to help you start a bowling league in Hampton, VA:

  • Recruit: You’re going to either need to take charge of recruiting yourself, or have a friend who can help you out. You can’t really start up a bowling league until you have enough teams that are willing to participate. If you have a large circle of friends who enjoy bowling, you might not find this too difficult, but they could very well all be committed to other leagues. Work your networks and see if you can encourage people to join your new league.
  • Get creative with advertising: When recruiting, get creative with where and how you advertise. Put flyers up in your company’s breakroom. Submit advertisements through your company newsletters. Get on social media and encourage people to come out and join up. Whatever it takes, make sure you spread the word to people who you know would be interested in bowling and having a good time.
  • Connect with a bowling center: It helps to have a bowling center in mind that will host your league before you actually go any further with setting up logistics. Obviously, you need to have a place where you’ll be able to play! Connect with local bowling centers in your area and see if they have any availability to host league play in accordance with your desired schedule. If so, you’ll find that they are generally quite willing to accommodate a new league.
  • Find sponsors: There are fees associated with setting up leagues and league teams. These fees are typically paid weekly, meaning they can add up over time. If you can find a sponsor to cover at least some of the costs, you’ll find that will help out a lot. Check with local businesses to see if they’d be interested in having their name attached to your team and if they’d be willing to help cover some of the costs of the league in return. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and there are many local businesses that do this sort of thing quite frequently!
  • Overcome excuses: As you’re working on finding people for your league, you’ll frequently encounter people who say they either don’t have enough time or they aren’t good bowlers. If people don’t want to play, that’s one thing. But there are ways to overcome those issues. With a lack of time, you can create leagues that last shorter than the standard 36 weeks, often called “shorty” leagues that run 12 to 16 weeks. For people without as much bowling experience, there are handicap leagues that assign each player a handicap based on their skill level. That makes for a much more balanced and competitive league.

For more information about starting a bowling league in Hampton, VA, contact Sparetimes today.

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