If you’re a casual bowler in Hampton, VA, you probably don’t spend a whole lot of time at the lanes honing your skills. But if you want to impress your friends the next time you go out bowling together, you’re going to need to put in a bit of practice to improve your skills. You don’t have to shoot to become a 300 bowler, but there are some steps you can follow that will help you get consistently higher scores and bowl a respectable game, even at infrequent outings. Here are a few tips for you to consider as you... View Article
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Getting ready to plan some fun outings over the summer? It might not be one of the first activities you think of, but bowling is actually one of the best summertime activities in Hampton, VA for all sorts of people. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should seriously consider making bowling part of your seasonal plans this summer! Fun for all ages With kids off all summer long, it’s not going to take long for them to start being desperate for things to do to keep them occupied. Bowling is an activity that the whole family... View Article
More than a quarter of Americans go bowling every year, meaning it’s the country’s largest participation sport. There are thousands of bowling alleys across the U.S., and the industry makes more than $4 billion a year. So, if you love bowling, you’re not alone! Not only is bowling a fun and competitive activity, but it also offers a surprising range of health benefits. Read on to learn more about the great health benefits of bowling in Hampton, VA. Strengthens muscles Bowling balls weigh an average of 14 pounds. Whenever you swing the ball back and then send it down the... View Article
Summer’s coming up, and while there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, at some point you might want to cool off in the air conditioning—and a perfect way to do so is to enjoy bowling with family and friends. It’s a classic activity that’s stood the test of time for one simple reason: it’s fun! Here are our leading reasons why bowling is fun in Hampton, VA. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old Let’s face it—it’s hard to find activities that everyone from a child to a grandparent can enjoy. As parents know, it’s usually easiest to... View Article
Every sport has undergone a series of changes and technological advancements since its inception. Basketball, for example, was originally played with a heavy leather ball and two peach baskets! Bowling has also seen its fair share of advancements since it was originally played in 1820. Continue reading to learn about bowling technology in Hampton, VA and how the advancements have improved the sport. High-tech bowling balls The original bowling balls would be unrecognizable at today’s bowling alleys. They were made of hardwood like oak or lignum vitae and were quite a bit smaller than the balls we’re familiar with. These... View Article