Categories for Bowling Alley

The concept of bowling is simple—a player throws the ball, pins get knocked down and everything is magically reset for the next round. What goes on behind the scenes is a little-known bowling alley fact among casual players in Hampton, VA. Bowling alleys rely on a series of moving components that are mostly hidden from view. Here’s an inside look at how a bowling alley works. Ball pit After the bowling ball knocks down the pins, it falls into a ball pit. This is located behind the lane at a lower elevation. A gate catches the bowling ball and guides... View Article

Almost everyone knows that when you go to a bowling alley, you have to use a number of bowling accessories in Hampton, VA. You’ll need to rent or bring your own bowling ball, and you’ll be expected to put on a pair of those ultra-fashionable bowling shoes. Most places provide the shoes when you pay for a game, and some serious bowlers bring their own, but regardless, you aren’t allowed to wear “street shoes” while you bowl. But have you ever wondered why, exactly, bowling alleys require you to wear bowling shoes? What purpose do they serve and why are... View Article

If you have back problems, it can be hard to find ways to stay active that don’t come with the risk of straining your back. If you’re an avid bowler, you know just how difficult it can be to play well or enjoy yourself at all if you’re having back pains. The game features a lot of repetitive motions, twisting and slippery surfaces, all of which could pose risks for you worsening an existing back condition. In fact, many people actually develop back pains because of their bowling. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid this issue. Here are some... View Article

With the year just about to come to a close, many people are preparing for their new year’s resolutions, which quite frequently have to do with eating better and getting more exercise. As part of your resolution to get yourself more active, why not take up bowling? Bowling isn’t just a whole lot of fun (and, if you want, competitive), but it also has a variety of health benefits that come with it. At our bowling alley in Hampton, VA, we’re always excited to see visitors enjoying themselves and getting some exercise in the process. Here are just a few... View Article

Are you frustrated with your performance in the sport of bowling? Before you shell out for some lessons from a bowling instructor, here are some tips to help you enhance your performance the next time you visit the bowling alley in Hampton, VA: Check your grip: You’re going to have a hard time getting consistent results if you’re not gripping the ball properly. Put your thumb into the hole first, and use the middle and ring fingers in the two other holes, without raising your thumb. Crooking your pinky finger can help you relieve some of the strain on your... View Article
