May 10, 2019 9:26 pm
Published by Writer
Looking for a great way to get your kids involved in a positive, fun activity over the summer? Why not bowling? At Sparetimes, we’re excited to offer free bowling to kids through the national Kids Bowl Free program! Under this program, registered kids receive two free games of bowling every day of the Kids Bowl Free program all summer long, which comes out to an average value of about $500 per kid! Not only will they have fun and stay safe, but they’ll also develop a lifelong skill in a game they’ll be able to play forever. Here’s some information... View Article
April 10, 2019 10:32 pm
Published by Writer
So, you’ve finally decided to purchase your own bowling ball, rather than relying on the balls they have at the bowling alley. Congratulations! Now the next question becomes whether or not you should buy another one. If you play in a bowling league, you’ve probably seen bowlers carrying around large bags with two or more bowling balls in them. But is this beneficial for your game? Here’s some information to consider about this critical piece of bowling gear in Hampton, VA. The benefit of a spare ball Bowlers don’t just carry around an extra ball for the exercise. The majority... View Article
March 27, 2019 10:32 pm
Published by Writer
You might not think bowling is a sport that carries a high risk of injury, as it’s not a contact sport like football or hockey and doesn’t require you to contort your body or deal with high-impact exercise like basketball. Still, there is a lot of effort that gets exerted by certain muscles while bowling, especially when you consider the number of times you’ll roll a heavy ball over the course of a few games. Therefore, with bowling (as with any other physical activity), it can be beneficial to budget some time before you get started to loosen up your... View Article
March 14, 2019 11:57 pm
Published by Writer
Bowling is all about fun, whether you’re enjoying the satisfying sound of a strike alone or laughing with your friends on league night. That’s enough of a reason to bowl in the first place, but once you find out about the added health benefits of bowling, you’ll want to spend even more time at your local bowling alley! If you need more evidence for why you should consider joining a summer bowling league in Hampton, VA, read on for the scoop on bowling’s mental and physical health benefits: Build those muscles: Carrying, swinging and releasing a bowling ball with an... View Article
February 28, 2019 11:57 pm
Published by Writer
Trying to think of a first date plan can put a lot of pressure on people. You want to be sure you do something that will be enjoyable and give you lots of time to get to know the person, all while avoiding awkward moments. Most people opt for dinner or a drink, but one often-overlooked date idea is bowling. If you’re skeptical about breaking out the bowling accessories in Hampton, VA, read on to find out why bowling can make a fabulous first date: Avoid awkward silences: Sitting across from someone at a candlelit table can be pretty tense... View Article