Author Archives for Writer

How to Break in Bowling Shoes

July 27, 2020 8:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most people we know who bowl regularly like what they like—if they find a ball that works for them, they’ll use it for years or even decades. There’s something comforting about having equipment that you can rely on, but unfortunately the time may come when it must be replaced. If you’re in the market for new footwear, you know that the need to break in new bowling shoes in Hampton, VA is not something that’s always welcome. However, if you do it right, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the simple and comfortable results next time you step up to the... View Article

How to Select the Right Bowling Ball Weight

July 16, 2020 5:01 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Your choice of bowling ball size could make or break your game. Many people who visit Sparetimes in Hampton, VA take a while to choose their bowling ball weight and frequently choose the lightest ball, thinking that’s the best option for them. However, the right bowling ball weight for you depends on factors beyond just being able to lift it. Here are four elements to consider when choosing your bowling ball: Age: House balls range in weight from six to 16 pounds. The lightweight balls that weigh in at six, eight and 10 pounds are designed for children. For teenagers,... View Article

How to Clean Your Bowling Ball the Right Way

July 2, 2020 5:01 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Like any other sporting equipment, bowling balls require maintenance and care, including cleaning. However, bowling ball cleaning is not as simple as using soap and water and hoping for the best. You need to be careful so you preserve the finish and prevent damage. Here are five tips on cleaning a bowling ball in Hampton, VA for maximum performance and a shiny surface: Clean between throws: When bowling, a dirt-free ball will help your scores. Between throws, wipe out the finger holes to keep them grease-free and help your grip become more stable. Wipe your hands with a towel so... View Article

Throwing That Perfect Shot at the Bowling Alley

June 5, 2020 10:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How was your last game before the COVID-19 lockdown started? Maybe you earned the best score in your life, or felt like you could do a little better. While our lanes are closed, nothing stops you from learning how to throw a perfect bowling game in Hampton, VA. It starts with knowing how to throw a bowling ball better. Here are five tips for improving your game: Choose the correct ball weight: Many people walk into a bowling alley and, upon seeing all the house balls available, feel suddenly overwhelmed. They may choose a ball that is not the correct... View Article

Five Health Advantages of Bowling

May 22, 2020 10:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Eventually, the COVID-19 restrictions will end, and you will likely be ready to spend some time with friends enjoying activities. This could be a great time to try something new, and if you have never bowled before, we would love to welcome you. This is not just about hitting pins—there are bowling health benefits, too. Here are five health benefits of bowling you can enjoy once the lockdown ends in Hampton, VA: Movement: Bowling is not without activity. While you may consider bowling a sport where you sit around until it is your turn, those walks back and forth start... View Article
